Some of you know it, some of you don’t, but there is a “false” language called Lorem Ipsum. This language is used as a fill text when testing page layout in the printing industry or when creating a web site, for example. However, it is not a new invention or a whim of any software publisher. The invention of Lorem Ipsum dates back to the beginning of the 16th century, in 1500.
But then, why Lorem Ipsum?
What is it exactly?
Lorem Ipsum was invented and published for the first time by an anonymous painter in 1500, for the purpose of making a printing book of text font specimens. The idea is that a purely repeated sentence of text does not make it possible to appreciate the typographic layout because of the artificial alignment of the sentences that is created. The example below shows you the difference:
This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence. This is a purely repeated sentence.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exertion ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
On the other hand, for all Latin languages, Lorem Ipsum has the advantage of presenting text containing words whose size and frequency are similar to those of a real text. The layout thus obtained gives a precise idea of the final rendering.
Lorem Ipsum was obtained by assembling texts in ancient Latin whose words were sometimes mixed, sometimes replaced and placed in a random order. However, a professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia has shown that the original text used to create Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero’s De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (Of Supreme Good and Supreme Evil) written in 45 B.C., making it 2000 years old.
Curious people will note that there are nowadays powerful Lorem Ipsum generators capable of producing an unlimited number of paragraphs with a word distribution similar to standard French. They allow, among other things, the filling of sites in production to appreciate the layout.
Why use false text?
False text or fill text is normally used if there is no real text yet. It is used to give an impression of what the printed page or the page on the Internet will look like. This can be the case if the graphic designer shows sketches to his client for an order or if the layout artist gives the publisher the frame of his article. But what is so advantageous about a typical fake text that makes no sense?
It is not as easy to recognize a filler text if the text means something. It has already happened that editors have corrected fictitious texts – and even worse – that such texts have been printed.
Thanks to “Lorem ipsum” in particular, you can avoid this danger because many print preparation programs trigger an alarm when reading these words. It is therefore impossible for the filler text to be published.
When evaluating a layout, real texts could also be distracting. It is inevitable that some of the attention is focused on the importance of the content, which is not in question here.
For presentations and projects, this ensures that no sensitive data appears on the screen or projector.
Lorem ipsum generators
You will find on the Internet templates to copy but also generators of false texts. We have tested a representative selection for you.
Lorem ipsum : generators
The classic Lorem ipsum generator and some new combinations are everywhere on the Internet and it is hard to miss when searching. Nevertheless, we would like to introduce some of them to you. Various versions of Lorem ipsum, including the German and English translation, are available for download. Pure Lorem ipsum – as Rich Text or HTML. the classic version is mixed a little differently, but the characteristic of this site is its uncompromising minimalism: type “Number of words” and then “Go”. this is the most versatile Lorem-ipsum generator. It is possible to mix snippets from other languages into Latin text passages and those that are supposed to look like it. The choice includes Danish/Norwegian, Icelandic, Vietnamese and Czech in Latin characters. Other character sets are also available such as Cyrillic, Greek (see above), Armenian and Hindi.
Parodies of Lorem ipsum :
When we often use reserved space texts, we end up getting bored at the sight of a Lorem ipsum. After a few years, you can no longer see them in pictures! The use of a well thought-out parody will bring something new and will awaken too serious business meetings. Here is a small selection of the best texts among the many available, most of them in English :
Https:// this is a completely different language spoken by Samuel L. Jackson on the screen. This special Lorem ipsum is based on a selection of movie dialogue and you can recognize the depth of it from tabs like “Clear that shit”.
Https:/// ” Make Placeholder Text Great Again. “This witty parody of Ipsum mixes American presidential speeches in the desired length.
The following two websites offer different two-star culinary versions: https://baconipsum.compour for those who prefer to eat a large piece of meat and for those who are more vegetarian. Do you prefer sweet treats ( and are you a cheese lover ( These two sites also offer perfectly adapted fake texts.